The Secret Handshake | June 7, 2024

@Jamkeeb is away at the moment, but he’s invited us to self-organize for this June edition of The Secret Handshake.

Join us for a vibrant meetup of Western Newfoundland’s creative professionals at Hew and Draw Best Coast Restaurant in Corner Brook!

This Friday, June 7th, at 5:30 PM, connect with fellow artists, designers, and innovators over great food and inspiring conversations. Don’t miss this chance to network and share your creative journey!

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I’m only back 15 June, but definitely keen!

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I look forward to seeing you when you get back! Hope you’re enjoying your trip.

I would love to join at another get together, I’m out of town this weekend!

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We look forward to seeing you sometime soon! Have a good trip, @seasaltandtwig!